3 J 2 Bible Centre: Iligan City. Cagayan




New Jeepney for Pastor Stephen Iligan Philippines.
Pastor Stephen took delivery of the long awaited jeepney in Iligan City.

This will enable 3J2 Bible Centre to be more self sufficient and will be a great tool to continue the feeding and de-worming projects around the dumpsite areas as well as transport the church community to events and meetings who find it difficult to attend.


Because of the closure of the National Steel Corporation and related

companies the city now has severe unemployment and associated

problems of street children, malnutrition drug addiction, prostitution

and pollution. The area is now faced with a situation of: over 50% of

families living below the income threshold level of  P 4,000 per month.

– See more at: http://www.msm.org.uk/pages.php?content=illigan#sthash.HhLirxyZ.dpuf